Friday, 2 November 2012

Just One

So currently, I am writing my lesson plans for the Art History Summer School that I am running this year and I have the impossible but necessary task of choosing 30 paintings to represent THE HISTORY OF ART. A mammoth challenge but I have toyed around with these paintings for months now and I am fairly happy with my set of 30.

All except one. I have intentionally left one gap for a representation of the Aesthetic movement. Originally I chose "Flaming June" by Leighton as the spokesperson but I am reconsidering and having a tough time choosing which one is truly the best representation of the decadence of the movement. Now, in my one day of teaching I have already dedicated nearly two hours to the Pre-Raphaelites so I cannot choose a Rossetti. I have narrowed it to five pieces and I would love your thoughts on which one you think I should choose. So either comment here or like the paintings on the Femme Fatale page on Facebook. Your input would be much appreciated!

So here's your shortlist:

1.) "Flaming June" - Leighton

2.) "Siegfreid" - Beardsley

3.) "Midsummer" - Moore

4.) "Grace Rose" - Sandys

5.) "The Syracusan Bride" - Leighton

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